Please do not take anything written on this blog very seriously. Am not, nor have ever been, an "expert" at or in anything very much. Am not a "professional" scholar, though have a deep interest in History, and how it affects the present. Have, however, been around a bit and sort of know a little about quite a lot, but a lot about very little. Am still a student in the 'school of hard knocks'.
Any opinions on this blog are generally developed from life experience as well as external, but freely available, sources (books, internet) - and can't really claim any "insider" knowledge (apart from the stage, film and TV industries - but that was a long time ago, and still retain a deep distrust of anything presented by all of them .. heh)
Yup, was born in Australia, but never travelled overseas (too much of Australia yet to discover), am getting on in years, so much of this magnificent country will remain unseen.
This blog is still under construction, may be subject to changes, and is more of a "hobby" than a passion. Will try to keep it simple and uncluttered, only adding links on the sidebar that I feel necessary; from which the reader can expand exponentially if they feel so inclined.
I do, however, have a preference for "facts" rather than opinions (or fantasies) - entertaining though they may be; and, as stated on my other blog -
My "truth" may not coincide with yours.