* skeptikos - greek spelling, means 'thoughtful'.


Tuesday, November 16

Mystery missile 2

OK, this is becoming ridiculous There is an alleged U.S. "Notice to Mariners" about "missile firings".

 U.S. Notice to Mariners Number 45-2010 (2010-11-06) Broadcast Warnings

but have tried a "search" on the "National Geospacial-intelligence Agency" website and guess what ..

Your search - U.S. Notice to Mariners Number 45-2010 (2010-11-06) Broadcast Warnings - did not match any documents. 
No pages were found containing " U.S. Notice to Mariners Number 45-2010 (2010-11-06) Broadcast Warnings "


  • Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
  • Try different keywords.
  • Try more general keywords.
There are, actually, too many "wild and woolly theories" current - and it's becoming difficult to find some "facts".

Don't hold your breath.

Will now try to concentrate on the implications of the increased interest by the USA to upgrade and extend Military bases on Australian territory.


lemmiwinks said...

Curious that the US would try to spread itself even thinner. IMO Pine Gap is a national disgrace, but of course the almighty USA (you either opt-in or you're a terrorist) is truly benevolent and only has the best interests of their Aussie "mates" at heart...

I am genuinely interested to see how much longer Zombieland, aka the United States of America, can lumber along, arms outstretched. The value of their currency (the global "reserve" currency no less) is rapidly disappearing down the toilet (though this may actually be a tactic to deflate their truly mind boggling deficit), they're a consumer society which produces little or nothing of actual value (bit like Australia in that respect) and are hopelessly addicted to debt (again, hellooo Australia).

So paying for further military expansion with worthless money? Hmm, I got my doubts... Though the feral garmit (names change but the moronic principals remain the same) will no doubt welcome them with open arms.

I think the far bigger concern, apart from population overshoot and collapse (hint: we've got the overshoot part nearly finished, prep for collapse) is foreign "investment" in agriculture. More correctly, they're buying big tracts of land and the water entitlements thereon.

Essential viewing/reading:

Arithmetic, Population and Energy

Selling the farm, ABC News

Davoh said...

Yup Lemmi, it's all a very complicated issue. I do not pretend to be an expert at very much and, after a sort of 'holiday' from serious internet access for a couple of years am finding the information available rather daunting.

Will take some time to find some 'real' dots to connect so that I can make some intelligent 'guesses' about much of this.

Penny said...

Hi Davo
came to check out your digs..

Is the the best place to link to from my blog?
And thank you for the link also
very kind of you!

and btw Lemmiwinks
"The value of their currency (the global "reserve" currency no less) is rapidly disappearing down the toilet (though this may actually be a tactic to deflate their truly mind boggling deficit)"

I am of the opinion this is exactly what is going on!

A. Peasant said...

hi Davo! nice new blog here :D...

i do think you're right that the US wants to keep Oz in line because of location. but i don't think it will work due to the usual subversive elements working in US, China and Oz (and everywhere else for that matter)...

i'll put you right up on the roll and thank you for your long-time support. what a nice morning i woke up and found new blogs from both you and Hei Hu Quan!

Davoh said...

Mmm, if I had anything to do with the US Federal reserve - would be extremely worried about the debt/equity ratio between the US and China. Am still trying to sort through the info and statistics on this to see if i can come up with a short version of my opinion on that.

What IS a worry is that the US economy (such as it is) seems heavily reliant on the military/industrial complex; and if the US and China can't sensibly sort something out then the almost unthinkable (and insane) three letter word starting with "w" becomes ever more likely. This would put Australia in an extremely awkward position, since OUR economy is heavily dependent on supplying China with raw materials.