* skeptikos - greek spelling, means 'thoughtful'.


Sunday, November 28

Name change

Yer, I know; but did mention that this blog is still under construction. Am still trying to figure out a suitable name, but this one will probably hang about for a while.  One point about the use and spelling of  "sceptic". The word derives from both Latin and Greek.  Latin - scepticus; Greek - skeptikos. Both, as far as can gather, have the original meaning of  "thoughtful"; and  Gr. skeptesthai - to consider.

"Ignoramus" is also an interesting word  - which I may change, since it infers 'no' knowledge; or the preference to "not know" -  (ignore - wilfully disregard.) - However, the Latin - ignorare - means "not to know", which can be re-interpreted. Am, at this point, using it in the context of admitting that there is much that I do not know and  "searching for knowledge".

While am at it - am seeing the word "propaganda" increasingly mis-spelled as "propoganda". It comes from the Latin - propagare - to multiply. The other one that annoys me intensely  is "definate". The word is DEFINITE, dammit. Comes from the Latin -  de finis : to set a boundary.

 Also, why do people write "loose" when they mean "lose"? They are TWO DIFFERENT CONCEPTS!.

 Definitely loosely lost.


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