* skeptikos - greek spelling, means 'thoughtful'.


Sunday, November 21

Missiles in the mist

[updated and edited]
Ok, haven't done much more research on the mystery missile off the Californian coast (aircraft? um, looks like some sort of 'missile' to me, but who knows, not enough footage). Odd that nobody seems to have "claimed" it. (can't be al Qa'ida, Taliban or the IRA - they would have chortled by now .. heh).

.. and this is re-pasted from my comment on the previous post ..
Mmm, if I had anything to do with the US Federal reserve - would be extremely worried about the debt/equity - trade imbalance ratios between the US and China. Am still trying to sort through the info and statistics on this to see if i can come up with a short version of my opinion on that.

What IS a worry is that the US economy (such as it is) seems heavily reliant on the military/industrial complex; and if the US and China can't sensibly sort something out then the almost unthinkable (and insane) three letter word starting with "w" becomes ever more likely. This would put Australia in an extremely awkward position, since OUR economy is heavily dependent on supplying China with raw materials.
[see Hugh White via Lowy Institute article]

One hopes that this doesn't develop into a sort of 'deja vu' circa 1938 when Robert Menzies ("Pig iron Bob") had "industrial battles" with the waterside workers who refused to load scrap iron bound for Imperial Japan - even though the tensions were already apparent.

It could be claimed that Australia was complicit in the building of the Imperial Japanese navy - and now i see that the Chinese are building an aircraft carrier as well as working to counter US naval power in the Pacific.


lemmiwinks said...

I dunno Davo, I reckon if we were going to have another big "W" then it would have happened back when the USA sunk the Kursk. Oh yeah they did, and we (planet earth) just dodged a bullet.

Makes the Cuban Missile Crisis look like a vicarage tea party.

Davoh said...

Indeed, lemmi.
(and as a sort of local sideline; have been involved in a sort of 'Mexican stand-off' with a couple of local neighbours .. heh. Will write something about it on Womby's drivel).

Guambat Stew said...

Another blog, Davo? You've obviously got way too much time on your hands.

Me too:

Cheers, Guambat

Davoh said...

Hi Guamby, I always enjoy reading your wry take on things in the "Stew". Have just had a squizz at the other one, but is so far away from my fields of interest that won't put it on this ones sidebar.

On the other hand, perhaps i should write a letter or something to our Julia (Gillard)and see if they'll employ you to have a look at our controversial NBN .. heh.

(and yer, 'retirement' has certain advantages ;-))

Cheers and keep stirring the Stew,

Penny said...

sadly that insane three letter word is looking more and more likely.